What’s new in PrayZ V1.5?

  • Notifications
    Group moderators are now notified when a person requests membership to a prayer group they are responsible for. Additionally, new members are notified when their group membership is approved.
  • New Setting
    Prayer requests are considered inactive if nobody has prayed for them for a while. There is a new setting that lets you hide those inactive prayer requests. The range of values for the new setting is ‘Never’ through 30 days with the default being ‘Never’. ‘Never’ means show all prayer requests regardless of when someone last prayed for them.
  • Entering Passwords
    Password fields now have an Eye button [👁] at the end of the line️. Tapping this button will toggle displaying or hiding the password making it easier to insure you’ve entered the password you intended.
  • Password Recovery
    If you receive an AUTHORIZATION-ERROR alert trying to login you now have the option ‘I forgot my password’ which walks you through the password recovery process. Previously you had to go to the website to recover your password.

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