ShopIt V4.0 is all about Recipes!

Recipes go hand in hand with grocery shopping. If you see a recipe you like while browsing the web using Safari, you can quickly send the recipe information from the cooking site to ShopIt by tapping the sharing button.

Here’s a cooking website.

If you don’t see the ShopIt icon when you tap the sharing button here’s a quick video to show you to enable it.

Once ShopIt is enabled as a destination, you can send your recipes to it.

Share the recipe with ShopIt

Returning to ShopIt and choosing Recipes, you’ll see the imported recipe. ShopIt captures the recipe name, ingredient list, instructions, prep/cook/total times, website URL and notes have been captured; left behind are all the advertisements.

List of recipes

Tap on the recipe name to bring up a page with ingredients and instructions. At the bottom of the recipe page are two buttons, ? (Shop for recipe) and ⚙ (Settings).


You can view or edit ingredient detail information by tapping an individual ingredient, likewise for instructions.

The ⚙ button launches a settings scene where you choose a preferred grocery list for new items and a subset of all your shopping lists. The preferred list is the list where ingredients you haven’t purchased before are added. Below that new items list button is a table of all your shopping lists. It is helpful to limit the recipe ingredient search and display to just grocery lists (otherwise ShopIt might want to match ‘oil’ in a recipe with ‘motor oil’ from the hardware store list).

When you plan to make a recipe, tap the ? to add needed ingredients to your grocery list. ShopIt uses powerful search techniques to match the ingredients in the recipe to grocery items you’ve already purchased. On this page, each ingredient is displayed along with the grocery item matched to it. Checkmark the ingredients you need to purchase.

Checkmark ingredients to add them to your shopping list

If ShopIt made a matching mistake, you can easily correct it by tapping the item name (e.g. [Cauliflower]) and make a correction. If ShopIt couldn’t decide which item to match to the ingredient instead of a name, the button reads [Please add or match an item]. Tapping the [Item Button] brings up all the recipe details about the ingredient (quantity, unit of measure, name, & comments) and a list of your grocery items with the best matching items at the top of the list.

Checkmark the correct one or tap the + button to add a new item (Pearl Onions in this example) to your preferred grocery list. If you just added the ingredient, now is a great time to assign it to a category. You can also search through all your ingredients to find a match by tapping the ? button at the bottom of the page.

Here are some more details about the recipe page.

Other recipe actions

Here’s what the edit recipe screen looks like.

Recipe information page

ShopIt with recipes is awesome! The details about your recipe ingredients show up on your grocery list and your recipes are right there on your iPhone at the store if you need to review something.

How convenient is that?

How do I hide infrequently used items in ShopIt?

You can hide infrequently purchased items with a setting from 1 to 36 months.
  1. Tap the ❓ button (About/Help) on the right side of the toolbar
  2. Tap the ⚙ (Settings) button.
  3. On the settings page, there’s a slider that lets you choose to hide infrequently used items ranging from Never (old items are always visible) to 36 months.

Quickly reveal the hidden items when planning a shopping trip.

  1. Tap the ▷ (Expand) button on the right side of the group name to unmask the rarely used items in the category. The button changes to ▽ (Collapse) and tapping it again will hide the older items.
  2. The search ? feature also finds the infrequently used items, even if they are currently being hidden from view.

ShopIt Changes In V3.3

      • Hide infrequently used item.
        You can hide infrequently purchased items with a setting from 1 to 36 months.
        To change the setting, tap the ❓ button (About/Help) on the right side of the toolbar, then tap the ⚙ (Settings) button. There’s a slider that lets you choose to hide infrequently used items ranging from Never (old items are always visible) to 36 months.
        While you’re on the Settings page, why not take the time to register with One in a Million Apps. Registered users can synchronize their lists between their devices and backup them up on our cloud server for an extra level of protection.Quickly reveal the hidden items when planning a shopping trip by tapping the ▷ (Expand) button on the right side of the group name to unmask the rarely used items in the category. The button changes to ▽ (Collapse) and tapping it again will hide the older items.
        The search ? feature also finds the infrequently used items, even if they are currently being hidden from view.


      • Watch sync causing a crash.
        Sometimes on rare occasions, the app would crash if the watch requested that data be sent to it.

ShopIt Changes in V3.2

  • Apple Watch Synchronization.
    The Apple Watch synchronization with the iPhone performs more reliably now and there’s a new scene to let you know when the iPhone is updating the watch data. If the devices get out of sync, there’s a new button after the the to-do lists on the Watch that allows you to tell the watch to copy the shopping and to-do lists from the iPhone.

ShopIt Changes in V3.0

    • Premium Upgrade.
      ShopIt now offers an in-app purchase to upgrade from the basic version to a premium version. The premium version provides list sharing and the ability to associate stores with shopping lists.
    • Sharing Lists.
      Sharing lists is now a premium feature that requires an upgrade to use. The reason for this change is that if one user of the premium version shared a list containing stores with a user of the basic version, the basic version would not handle the store information associated with the shared list.
    • Stores.
      Ever get frustrated because you shop at different stores and find the items located in different isles? This version of ShopIt lets you associate stores with your lists and customize each store. Represent shopping isles as categories and you can include a different set of categories for each store. For each store you can select the sequence that you go through the isles in by moving categories up or down. For each item at the store, you can select what isle it is in. For example, you are shopping at the grocery store near work and the maple syrup is in the cereal isle. Next time you are shopping at the store near home and syrup is in the jelly isle. ShopIt handles this by letting you put items in the different isles for different stores. If there are items on your shopping list that are only available at a particular store, ShopIt displays the name of the store and those items.

How do I rename a list?

  • Tap the Edit button at the top right corner of the scene to switch to edit mode (the button changes to Done when you are in edit mode).
  • In edit mode, when you tap a list name, a dialog pops up allowing you to change the name. Tap Save to record the new name or Cancel to ignore any changes.
  • Finish up by tapping the Done button at the top right corner of the scene to leave edit mode.


ShopIt Changes in Version 2.4

New Features:

  • Barcodes.
    You can now scan barcodes instead of typing the name of shopping list
    items. When you scan a barcode, ShopIt queries a public community based
    database containing 1.9 million codes for the name and notes of an item.
    If the item has been added by someone, ShopIt fills in the item name and
    notes for you. If the item is new, you are given the opportunity to
    contribute the information to help others in the community.


  • Editing Quantity on Watch.
    If you edited the purchase quantity using the watch, the quantity was changed internally, but the number displayed on the watch was still the old value.
  • Purchased Items not Hidden on Watch.
    If you tapped an item on the watch while shopping and you have Hide ✔️ enabled, the item wouldn’t disappear as quickly as it should have.
  • Cut, Copy, & Paste.
    If you selected multiple items to Cut from a list only the first item was removed and if you Pasted multiple items, only the first was added.
    Also, the clipboard wasn’t being cleared before Cutting or Copying items, so it would continue to accumulate items.

ShopIt Changes in Version 2.3


  • New Shopping Lists.
    If you create a new shopping list and new item, the app would crash. If  you added an item to an existing shopping list that you had previously used for shopping, everything was ok. The crash occured if no previous shopping plans existed.
  • Cut, copy, & paste.
    Selecting Cut, Copy & Paste from the edit menu would cause the app to crash.